Board Nominations Deadline
Board Nominations Deadline
Board Nominations Deadline
Deadline for submitting Constitution & Bylaws Proposals
Deadline for submitting Resolution Proposals (Must be date in March as set by Board of Directors)
Chapters Mailed Number of Allowed RA Delegates
Sick Leave Bank Nominations (East TN Rep) No one may be nominated from departments of DHS (Middle TN Rep) or West (DCS) (at least 60 days prior to convening of RA)
Deadline for Completing TSEA Scholarship Applications
Deadline for Chapters to submit Award Nominations (at least 45 days prior to RA)
Deadline to Provide TSEA Home Email to receive Electronic Ballot AND Deadline to Request Paper Ballot
Delegate Deadline for RA Registration & Hotel Reservations
TSEA Deadline to Request Guaranteed Leave with DOHR