
The Tennessee State Employees Association was established in 1974 as a non-profit association representing the interests and rights of state employee members. TSEA is one of the largest independent state employee organizations in the country, and one of the most successful at improving the salaries, rights, and benefits of state employees.

We work together

TSEA is a united group of active and retired state and higher education employees from all branches of state government working together toward the goals of an effective and efficient state service where the workplace is attractive and rewarding for a quality career workforce.

We are membership-driven

TSEA was founded by state employees and continues to be governed by a 19-member board of directors made up of TSEA members elected by their peers. The future initiatives and goals of the Association, in addition to any amendments to the Association Constitution or changes to the Bylaws, are determined by the TSEA membership each year at our annual Representative Assembly. Members are also involved at the local level through 47 chapters across the state.

We move forward with purpose

TSEA shall encourage the development and maintenance of an effective and efficient workforce for the state government in Tennessee. This purpose shall be accomplished by stimulating the development of a compensation plan and working conditions for state employees which will cause people to:

  • Seek state employment as a career;
  • Retain a continuing interest in such employment;
  • Generate respect for and loyalty to the state service;
  • Seek to protect the legal rights for each active employee as they pertain to his/her employment;
  • Establish an open channel of communication between state employees as such and the citizens of the state and their elected and appointed representatives;
  • Offer a collective-voice input by state employees into the decision-making process of state government at all levels of responsibility wherever employee interests are involved;
  • Further the extension and equitable enforcement of appropriate standards to govern employee selection, appointment, promotion, separation, and grievance procedures in the administration of state government;
  • Advance the enactment and faithful administration of laws and regulations to ensure job security for all qualified state employees;
  • Encourage necessary legislation and any other essential action to safeguard the interests of both active and retired state employees; and
  • Address itself to the full and swift solution of any problems not specifically suggested herein which involve the interests of state employees in their relations with either the administrators of state government or the citizenry of the state and its representatives.


We are the TRUSTED voice for state employees.

Our mission is to protect state employee rights and lobby for improved pay, benefits, and working conditions. TSEA is an Association that was founded by state employees in 1974 to ensure state and higher education employees would have protection, advocacy, and representation in all areas of their rights and benefits as employees of the State of Tennessee.

TSEA is a membership-driven, service-oriented, respected organization that represents state and higher education employees in the workplace, in the General Assembly, and to the public.

TSEA staff provides employees with the most current information about state policies and procedures. We advocate on their behalf to ensure that employees are being treated fairly and consistently. TSEA’s significant lobbying efforts at the General Assembly are vital to maintaining and improving all employee rights and benefits.

Click here to join

We Advocate for better pay.

We Lobby for improved benefits and working conditions.

We Protect and Defend the rights of state employees in the workplace.

We Inform our members of legislation, major events, and policy changes through mailings, emails, Twitter, and Facebook for the up-to-the-minute news you need to know.

TSEA Board of Directors
TSEA Staff
TEAM – Tennessee Employees Action Movement Political Action Committee