TSEA Bills
SB472 / HB1103 Fiscal review committee to review contracts that resulted in layoffs
Sen. Mike Bell / Rep. Timothy Hill
Requires the fiscal review committee to review any contract that resulted in a reduction in force or lay off of any state employee due to the provisions of such contract. Requires the fiscal review committee to consider the three-year cost of the contract, comparable benefits, and quality of the contractor’s performance. Also requires fiscal review committee, as part of reviewing proposed contracts, to consider whether existing state employees can perform the tasks in such proposed contracts.
Senate Status
02/12/2015 – Referred to Senate State & Local Government Committee.
House Status
03/19/2015 – Set for House State Government Subcommittee 03/25/15.
SB815 / HB892 Reports on the performance of private prison contractors
Sen. Lee Harris / Rep. Bo Mitchell
Requires that the reports on the performance of private prison contractors by the commissioner of correction and the comptroller of the treasury be submitted to the fiscal review committee, in addition to the state and local government committee of the senate and the state government committee of the house.
Senate Status
02/18/2015 – Referred to Senate State & Local Government Committee.
House Status
02/19/2015 – Referred to House State Government Subcommittee.
SB1267 / HB532 Requires the state to provide TSEA information on its employees’
Sen. Ken Yager / Rep. Curry Todd
State Summary – As introduced, requires the state to provide TSEA information on state employees’ work site location, home telephone number, and residential address every six months; allows the state to charge a reasonable fee for the information. – Amends TCA Section 8-23-204; Section 8-50-1001 and Section 10-7-504.
Senate Status
02/18/2015 – Introduced in the Senate.
House Status
03/19/2015 – Set for House State Government Committee 03/24/15.
SB773 / HB984 Membership of state insurance committee.
Sen. Mae Beavers / Rep. Courtnet Rogers
Adds one representative and one senator as members of the state insurance committee, to be appointed by the respective speakers. Provides that those members shall serve two-year terms. Provides that the speakers shall ensure that one of the members is a republican, while the other is a democrat.
Senate Status
02/18/2015 – Referred to Senate State & Local Government Committee.
House Status
03/19/2015 – Set for House State Government Subcommittee 03/25/15.
Executive Status
03/19/2015 – Set for Joint Council on Pensions and Insurance – Final Calendar 03/23/15.
Administration Bills
SB606 / HB647 Longevity payments for executive branch employees
Sen. Mark S. Norris / Rep. Gerald McCormick
State Summary – As introduced, deletes provisions providing longevity payments for executive branch employees; gives employee a permanent one-time pay increase equal to half of the longevity payment the employee is due as of June 30, 2015; requires remaining funds for employee longevity to be reallocated to the general fund for the sole purpose of funding a merit pay system. – Amends TCA Title 8 and Title 38. Part of Administration Package.
Senate Status
02/12/2015 – Referred to Senate State & Local Government Committee.
House Status
03/19/2015 – Set for House State Government Subcommittee 03/25/15.
SB607 / HB648 Changes to state, local government & local education insurance plans
Sen. Mark S. Norris / Rep. Gerald McCormick
State Summary – As introduced, makes various changes to state, local government, and local education insurance plans. – Amends TCA Title 8, Chapter 27. Part of Administration Package.
Senate Status
02/12/2015 – Referred to Senate State & Local Government Committee.
House Status
03/19/2015 – Set for House State Government Subcommittee 03/25/15.
Executive Status
03/16/2015 – Joint Council on Pensions and Insurance recommended with amendments 1, 2, 3, and 4 as amended. Released to standing committees with favorable comment.