2025 Legislation

Below are bill numbers for key legislation we are working to advance as part of our 2025 legislative agenda.

Additional bills may be added to this list as the legislative session progresses.


Support 6 weeks of paid leave if employee becomes a foster parent to a minor child

SB0938/HB0957 Rose / Slater

Senate: Refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee, 2/12/2025

House: Assigned to s/c Public Service Subcommittee, 2/11/2025

Legislative Intent: 

To support state employees with up to 6 weeks of paid leave, if they become a foster parent to a minor.


Eliminating barriers to Higher Education for students with intellectual disabilities

SB1151/HB0789 Crowe / Vital

Senate: Refer to Senate Education Committee, 02/12/2025

House:Assigned to s/c Higher Education Subcommittee, 2/10/2025

Legislative Intent:

To further support students with intellectual disabilities by eliminating the requirement of the STEP UP scholarship that the student must be admitted to, and enrolled in, an eligible postsecondary institution in an eligible postsecondary program no later than 16 months after completing high school.


Clarifications to TEAM Act (TCA § 8-30-318)

SB1006/HB1067 Walley / Moody

Senate: Refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee, 02/12/2025

House: Assigned to s/c Public Service Subcommittee, 2/11/2025

Legislative Intent:

To create a mechanism to hold all parties involved in the appeal process accountable, whether for meeting timely or for the repayment of costs associated with the review/decision of an employee’s discipline. And, clearly define “extraordinary circumstances” and provide criteria for extensions without requiring both parties’ agreement.


Remove the TCRS cap of 3% to aid in more adequate COLA adjustments for retirees, when state funding is available

SB1157/HB1296 Kyle / Powell (House Bill number to come)

Senate: Refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee, 02/12/2025

House: Assigned to s/c Public Service Subcommittee, 02/12/2025

Legislative Intent:

Remove the TCRS cap of 3% COLA adjustment for retirees so that when the State has a good fiscal year and inflation rises above 3%, the state can increase the COLA adjustment beyond 3%.