House passes Contract Accountability bill with unanimous vote

House passes Contract Accountability bill with unanimous vote

TSEA February 27, 2018 Comments Off on House passes Contract Accountability bill with unanimous vote

Last night, (2/26/18), the House, after substituting and conforming to Senate Bill 1047, passed an amended version of the Contract Accountability and Responsible Employment (CARE) Act. To view the House [&hellip

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Senate says no to House amendment on DCS caseload bill

Senate says no to House amendment on DCS caseload bill

TSEA February 15, 2018 Comments Off on Senate says no to House amendment on DCS caseload bill

On Monday 2/12/18 the Senate voted to not concur with the House amendment placed last week on SB1168. To view their vote, follow this link: https://goo.gl/gZ5Pzi The Senate passed SB1168 last [&hellip

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Senate passes Contract Accountability bill with unanimous vote

Senate passes Contract Accountability bill with unanimous vote

TSEA February 15, 2018 Comments Off on Senate passes Contract Accountability bill with unanimous vote

Today, (2/15/18), the Senate passed an amended version of SB1047, the Contract Accountability and Responsible Employment (CARE) Act. We appreciate all the hard work Sen. Janice Bowling, Rep. Tilman Goins, Sen. [&hellip

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House Finance Subcommittee passes Contract Accountability Bill

House Finance Subcommittee passes Contract Accountability Bill

TSEA February 14, 2018 Comments Off on House Finance Subcommittee passes Contract Accountability Bill

Earlier today (2/14/18) the House Finance Ways & Means Subcommittee passed an amended version of HB944, now known as the Contract Accountability and Responsible Employment (CARE) Act. There was no [&hellip

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TSEA Legislative Update – week ending 2-9-18

TSEA Legislative Update – week ending 2-9-18

TSEA February 9, 2018 Comments Off on TSEA Legislative Update – week ending 2-9-18

The fourth and fifth weeks of the 2nd session of the 110th General Assembly provided positive movement for our association. TSEA was able to secure sponsors for all of our [&hellip

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Senate State and Local Gov Committee passes Contract Accountability Bill

Senate State and Local Gov Committee passes Contract Accountability Bill

TSEA February 8, 2018 Comments Off on Senate State and Local Gov Committee passes Contract Accountability Bill

Earlier this week (2/6/18) the Senate State and Local Government Committee passed an amended version of SB1047, now known as the Contract Accountability and Responsible Employment (CARE) Act. To view [&hellip

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Bill to increase the Employee Suggestion Award passes House State Gov. Sub

Bill to increase the Employee Suggestion Award passes House State Gov. Sub

TSEA February 8, 2018 Comments Off on Bill to increase the Employee Suggestion Award passes House State Gov. Sub

Yesterday (2/7/18) HB1788 was amended and passed by the House State Gov. Subcommittee. HB1788/SB1919 is sponsored by Rep. Martin Daniel and Sen. Steven Dickerson and is part of TSEA’s 2018 [&hellip

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Bill limiting DCS caseloads passes House

Bill limiting DCS caseloads passes House

TSEA February 7, 2018 Comments Off on Bill limiting DCS caseloads passes House

The House during this morning’s floor session (2/7/2018), after substituting and conforming to the Senate version of the bill, unanimously passed an amended version of SB1168. This bill as amended [&hellip

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TSEA Legislative Update – week ending 1-26-18

TSEA Legislative Update – week ending 1-26-18

TSEA January 26, 2018 Comments Off on TSEA Legislative Update – week ending 1-26-18

Just shy of three weeks into the legislative session, activity is still relatively quiet concerning issues by the administration or others which affect active and retired state employees. TSEA has [&hellip

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Contract accountability bill on calendar for Jan 31

Contract accountability bill on calendar for Jan 31

TSEA January 24, 2018 Comments Off on Contract accountability bill on calendar for Jan 31

UPDATE: HB944 was rolled one week, It is now scheduled to be heard on Jan. 31.  — After a year of debate and discussion, including two summer study sessions, our [&hellip

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