The deadline for receiving nominating petitions for election to the TSEA Board of Directors is 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 30, 2018, which by policy is at least 60 days prior to the mailing of the election ballots.
Positions for election to a two-year term of office in 2018 are the President, Secretary, Treasurer and the even-numbered District board seats (districts 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12). The TSEA Board is the policy-making and governing body of the Association.
The chapters represented by the District Board seats are:
Shelby (Shelby)
Memphis Higher Education
Highland Rim (Dickson, Houston, Humphreys)
Sycamore (Cheatham, Robertson)
TWS (Smith, Trousdale, Wilson)
Volunteer (Macon, Sumner)
Warioto (Montgomery, Stewart)
Davidson (Davidson)
Campbell/Scott (Campbell, Scott)
Cumberland Plateau (Cumberland, Fentress)
Morgan (Morgan)
Roane (Roane)
Tealeaf (Rhea)
Upper Cumberland (Clay, Jackson, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, White)
Anderson (Anderson)
Knox County/UT (Knox)
Norris Lake (Claiborne, Union)
Foothills (Blount, Loudon, Monroe)
French Broad (Cocke, Jefferson)
Lakeway (Grainger, Hamblen, Hancock, Hawkins)
Smoky Mountain (Sevier)
The TSEA Constitution and Bylaws requires that nominations must:
1) be submitted to the TSEA Executive Director in writing,
2) be signed by the nominee,
3) include 25 valid signatures of TSEA members, and
4) state the position desired.
For election to the position of President, nominees shall have been a member in good standing of TSEA for at least three (3) consecutive years immediately preceding the deadline for receiving nominations and also shall have served at least one (1) year in an elected capacity at the state or chapter level prior to the deadline for receiving nominations.
For election to one of the District board seats, nominees must be a member in good standing of TSEA and have been a member for at least one full year by the deadline for receiving nominations.
The President, Secretary and Treasurer are elected by the statewide membership. The twelve (12) district members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by and from chapter members of the 12 board election districts.
The TSEA Constitution states that if elected to a Board seat, members may not hold another elected office in the Association, either at the state or local chapter level.
Bylaws Article 2, Section 4 – Voting states, “In the event only one qualified nominee is presented as required in Section 2 of this article, said nominee shall be deemed elected and the position shall not be included on any ballot mailed to members.”
By the deadline, candidates shall also provide a photograph and complete a bio form. This information will be printed in the Co-Worker and mailed prior to the deadline for mailing ballots.
Ballots for the election will be counted by the Election Certification Committee of TSEA on Friday, May 4, 2018 at the TSEA Office.
Nominating petitions and bio forms are available at the TSEA office. To request a nominating petition and bio form, please contact LaTanya McAdoo at the TSEA office at: [email protected] or 1-800-251-8732.