TSEA representatives at the State Capitol before this week’s bill filing deadline successfully secured legislative sponsors for all our proposed bills.
Below is a list of bill numbers and sponsors in both the House and Senate.
Longevity for All
SB0689 Sen. Jackson
HB0900 Rep. Sparks
TSEA believes employees should not be divided into two classifications for pay and benefits. The first step in correcting this is to bring back longevity for all state employees.
Burden of Proof
SB0621 Sen. Hensley
HB0644 Rep. T. Hill
TSEA believes the State of Tennessee bears the burden of proof when they take disciplinary action against an employee that is appealable. This bill would clarify the relevant language in state statute.
DCS Caseloads
SB0616 Sen. Hensley
HB0921 Rep. Cepicky
This bill requires the maximum caseload in some cases to be 20 instead of the average of 20, and 10 cases for foster care workers.
TEAM Act improvements
SB1269 Sen. Pody
HB0778 Rep. Ramsey
Will seek to correct deficiencies found in the application of the TEAM Act bill regarding several different areas of the preferred service section for employees.
TCRS Oversight by Treasurer
SB1182 Sen. Bowling
HB1304 Rep. Baum
This bill enables the Treasurer of the State of Tennessee to have input regarding the impact on TCRS from outsourcing state jobs.
Across the Board Raises
SB0622 Sen. Hensley
HB1251 Rep. Byrd
This bill addresses across-the-board pay raises.
Details of our Higher Education Legislation and personnel goals will be announced soon.
Reminder, the House Higher Education subcommittee meets Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. and is live-streamed from the legislature’s website.
The Full House State Committee and Senate State and Local meet Tuesday’s at 10:30 a.m. and can also be live streamed from the legislative website.
For live-streaming committee hearings, calendars, and other legislative information, visit the Legislature’s website here: