Legislative Update – Week Ending 3/3/23

TSEA March 4, 2023 Comments Off on Legislative Update – Week Ending 3/3/23

As the budget hearings progress, TSEA remains active and engaged on the hill, attending all relevant hearings related to department budgets or containing legislation we are either following or working to advance.

Looking ahead, we anticipate that the subcommittees will close by the end of March, and the Governor will propose the supplemental budget in early April.


On March 1, the DCS Commissioner Margie Quin presented the DCS budget to the House Finance Committee. She fielded several challenging questions from legislators, and we believe you will hear plans to implement many suggestions that Commissioner Quin heard from our front-line staff and TSEA Ad Hoc Committee on DCS.

To view the video of the DCS budget hearing, Click Here (you will need to select Department of Children’s Services under Index, or fwd the video to 21:50)

Public Service Subcommittee

TSEA is supporting three bills presented before the Public Service subcommittee this Tuesday. Two of the bills deal with paid leave for state employees, and the other one expands the uses of sick leave through the sick leave bank. We believe these bills will help to enhance the lives of state employees and their families.

These bill numbers are HB0324, HB1151, and HB1316. More details are included in the legislation section below.

Northeast Legislative Breakfast

The Northeast Legislative Breakfast held on February 25th was a success, with a great turnout of TSEA members and state legislators. Attendees had the opportunity to discuss important concerns and challenges regarding state and higher education with their legislators. TSEA would like to express our gratitude to the supportive group of legislators who joined us at the breakfast and are true friends of state employees.

Pictured from L to R, Rep. John Crawford, Rep. John Holsclaw, Sen. Rusty Crowe, Rep. Rebecca Alexander, Sen. Jon Lundberg, Rep. Scotty Campbell & Rep. Bud Hulsey.

Look for a video recap of the event on our facebook page soon!


Click here for the latest update on key legislation we are monitoring or working to advance.

As a reminder, Livestreams and videos of legislative meetings and activities are accessible on the legislative calendar page at this link: https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/schedule/