TSEA is pleased to see that the recent audit, conducted by State Comptroller Justin Wilson and his staff, confirms the numerous concerns that have been brought to the Department of Human Resources’ attention since the TEAM Act’s implementation in 2012. Less than one month away from the first distribution of Pay-For-Performance raises, this audit raises serious concerns regarding the objectivity and fairness of the evaluation process used to determine the raises.
It is disappointing to see systemic issues that directly affect the pay for our hard-working state employees continue to go unresolved, but we hope that this audit will give further gravity to the concerns voiced by TSEA, state employees, and state legislators over the past four years.
The audit outlines specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-sensitive findings for resolution, and it is TSEA’s hope that this provides the Governor’s administration the guidance it needs to enact meaningful change to make performance management a more fair, objective, and informed process.
TSEA has played an active role in monitoring the implementation of the TEAM Act since it became law in 2012, and has maintained constant communication with DOHR regarding the issues brought to our attention by TSEA members state-wide and other concerned state employees.
TSEA hopes the General Assembly will further discuss the audit findings and continue to allow TSEA to work with the Haslam administration to further amendments to the TEAM Act and allow it to become what Governor Haslam intended: a tool for recruiting, retaining, and rewarding our valuable state employees.