Highlights from the week:
TSEA met this week with House Speaker Cameron Sexton to discuss TSEA legislative agenda items and important state employee issues and concerns. We are encouraged by the conversation and look forward to a productive relationship with Speaker Sexton.
This week TSEA learned that DCS is looking to end their relationship with the private company currently running operations at Mountain View Youth Development Center. We anticipate the Department will announce a new private vendor soon.
TSEA Executive Director Randy Stamps has expressed our concerns to department officials about continuing to have a private company operate the facility. TSEA has a meeting scheduled with DCS to discuss options, including the state taking over management of the facility. This is a developing story.
Update on TSEA Legislative Agenda Bills:
Provision of childcare for state employees
Consideration of this bill was postponed (rolled) a week while Senator Kyle continues to work with the Departments of General Services and Human Services, as well as fellow state and local senate committee members, to improve the bill. The bill is set for Senate State & Local Government Committee on Tuesday, 02/18/20.
Increases Match on 401(k)
On February 10, the Joint Council on Pensions and Insurance released this bill to standing committees with unfavorable comment. TSEA is working with legislators on the bill and will likely amend the bill in the Senate. The bill is set for Senate State & Local Government Committee on Tuesday, 02/18/20.
Burden of proof
This bill successfully passed house calendar and rules on Thursday and is set for a vote on the House Floor on Thursday 02/20/20.
TSEA’s 2020 Legislative Agenda bills
(This list includes legislation initiated and/or supported by TSEA)
Proceedings against state employees
Sponsors: Sen. Hensley, Joey; Rep. Hill, Timothy
Cosponsors: Rep. Dunn, Bill; Rep. Hawk, David; Sen. Yager, Ken Summary: Requires a state agency in any proceeding to suspend, terminate, or discipline an employee in state service to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the employee violated state law or a rule or policy of the agency prior to taking such action.
Senate Status: 04/16/19 – Senate State & Local Government Committee deferred to summer study.
House Status: 02/13/20 – Set for House Floor 02/20/20.
SB741/HB1207 SB1773/HB2045 SB2278/HB2382 SB2405/HB2742 SB2882/HB2715 |