Legislative Updates »

Legislative Update – March 28, 2014

Legislative Update – March 28, 2014

TSEA March 28, 2014 Comments Off on Legislative Update – March 28, 2014

Proposed TEAM Act Changes TSEA Bill: HB1940 (Dunn) / SB2045 (Southerland) DOHR Bill: HB1420 (Dunn) / SB1624 (Johnson) Both TEAM Act revision bills passed the full House and Senate this [&hellip

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Legislative Update – March 24, 2014

Legislative Update – March 24, 2014

TSEA March 24, 2014 Comments Off on Legislative Update – March 24, 2014

A Brief Update on our Bills Proposed TEAM Act Changes TSEA Bill: HB1940 (Dunn) / SB2045 (Southerland) DOHR Bill: HB1420 (Dunn) / SB1624 (Johnson) TSEA and DOHR have negotiated a [&hellip

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Legislative Update – March 14, 2014

Legislative Update – March 14, 2014

TSEA March 14, 2014 Comments Off on Legislative Update – March 14, 2014

Most of the discussion on Lobby Day focused on the fact that the present proposed budget includes a 2% raise for teachers but only a 1% raise for state employees [&hellip

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Legislative Update – March 10, 2014

Legislative Update – March 10, 2014

TSEA March 11, 2014 Comments Off on Legislative Update – March 10, 2014

This 108th General Assembly has an unprecedented opportunity to clean up Tennessee’s state contracting procedures, protecting the public and safeguarding the taxpayers’ dollars. TSEA and legislators on both sides of [&hellip

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Legislative Update – February 28, 2014

Legislative Update – February 28, 2014

TSEA February 28, 2014 Comments Off on Legislative Update – February 28, 2014

Lobby Day A Success Thank you for all of your efforts to make Lobby Day a huge success. We have followed up with many legislators based on the discussions you [&hellip

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TSEA Legislative Update – February 10, 2014

TSEA Legislative Update – February 10, 2014

TSEA February 11, 2014 Comments Off on TSEA Legislative Update – February 10, 2014

This past week was a very active week for TSEA on Capitol Hill.  Several bills were heard in committees, with others to be heard ­this week. TSEA is asking all [&hellip

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Legislative Update – February 3, 2014

Legislative Update – February 3, 2014

TSEA February 4, 2014 Comments Off on Legislative Update – February 3, 2014

TSEA has a number of bills before the legislature this year, and two very important bills regarding the reductions in force (RIF) process will be heard this week in committee. [&hellip

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Legislative Update – January 28, 2014

Legislative Update – January 28, 2014

TSEA February 4, 2014 Comments Off on Legislative Update – January 28, 2014

TSEA Meets with Governor Haslam On Friday, TSEA President Phil Morson, Executive Director Robert O’Connell, and Government Affairs Director Sarah Adair attended our annual meeting with Governor Haslam to discuss [&hellip

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U.S. Congress, President pass continuing appropriations act

U.S. Congress, President pass continuing appropriations act

TSEA October 17, 2013 Comments Off on U.S. Congress, President pass continuing appropriations act

Late last night (Wednesday, Oct. 16th), the U.S. Congress and the president came to an agreement to reopen the Federal Government and to raise the nation’s debt limit. Included in [&hellip

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Haslam salary study rewards, confuses: 100% of State Workers receive 1.5% pay increases, 86% receive additional adjustments, 14% deemed at or above market value

Haslam salary study rewards, confuses: 100% of State Workers receive 1.5% pay increases, 86% receive additional adjustments, 14% deemed at or above market value

TSEA July 11, 2013 Comments Off on Haslam salary study rewards, confuses: 100% of State Workers receive 1.5% pay increases, 86% receive additional adjustments, 14% deemed at or above market value

NASHVILLE – Over the last two years, funding was set aside in the General Appropriation bill for the FY 2013-2014 salary policy – effective as of July 1, 2013. Included in [&hellip

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