Thousands of market adjustments confirmed

Thousands of market adjustments confirmed

TSEA June 29, 2016 Comments Off on Thousands of market adjustments confirmed

Great news for state employees – thousands of market adjustments are confirmed! State employees can now view their July 1 market adjustments in Edison. Employees in the executive branch earning $50,000 [&hellip

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Pictures from Representative Assembly

Pictures from Representative Assembly

TSEA June 24, 2016 Comments Off on Pictures from Representative Assembly

TSEA held its 42nd annual Representative Assembly last weekend. To view photos from the event, click here. A full recap of the event will be included in your July/August Co-Worker

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TSEA Exclusive: Q&A with DOHR Commissioner Rebecca Hunter

TSEA Exclusive: Q&A with DOHR Commissioner Rebecca Hunter

TSEA May 12, 2016 Comments Off on TSEA Exclusive: Q&A with DOHR Commissioner Rebecca Hunter

On efforts to increase employee pay, the recent comptroller’s audit of DOHR, and her passion for service. by Chris Dauphin, TSEA Communications Director and Gayle Robb, TSEA Comp & Benefits [&hellip

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State budget passes, includes significant investment for state employees

State budget passes, includes significant investment for state employees

TSEA April 14, 2016 Comments Off on State budget passes, includes significant investment for state employees

The $34.8 Billion Tennessee state budget, which includes $60 million for state employee raises and an additional $36 million for state employee salary adjustments, has passed both the House and [&hellip

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TSEA hires Randy Stamps as executive director

TSEA hires Randy Stamps as executive director

TSEA March 31, 2016 Comments Off on TSEA hires Randy Stamps as executive director

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 31, 2016 Contact: Chris Dauphin Phone: 615-256-4533, 800-251-8732 [email protected] TSEA hires Randy Stamps as executive director NASHVILLE – The Tennessee State Employees Association today announced the [&hellip

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TSEA: Don’t give up on state employees

TSEA: Don’t give up on state employees

TSEA March 22, 2016 Comments Off on TSEA: Don’t give up on state employees

Earlier today, TSEA testified before the Senate State and Local Government committee in response to the Haslam administration’s business justification report on their Facilities Management Outsourcing plan. TSEA’s primary message [&hellip

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TDOC announces changes to assault definitions

TDOC announces changes to assault definitions

TSEA January 8, 2016 Comments Off on TDOC announces changes to assault definitions

The Tennessee Department of Correction during a hearing Thursday announced changes in how assaults are defined in Tennessee’s prisons. Tuesday afternoon the Corrections Subcommittee of the Senate State and Local [&hellip

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President Merritt on getting results

President Merritt on getting results

TSEA December 2, 2015 Comments Off on President Merritt on getting results

I have had conversations in the past with members who want us to be more vocal, make more noise, and say that we need to rally because we need to [&hellip

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No raise if under one year of service on Sep 30

No raise if under one year of service on Sep 30

TSEA October 30, 2015 Comments Off on No raise if under one year of service on Sep 30

This past Friday, TSEA learned from a DOHR communication that not all state employees will receive the upcoming January pay for performance raises. The October notification specifically stated, “To be [&hellip

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TSEA meets with TDOC Commissioner Schofield

TSEA meets with TDOC Commissioner Schofield

TSEA July 31, 2015 Comments Off on TSEA meets with TDOC Commissioner Schofield

NASHVILLE – Yesterday, TSEA met with Tennessee Department of Correction Commissioner Derrick D. Schofield, Deputy Commissioner Chuck Taylor, HR Director Lisa Patton, Asst. HR Director Debby Dolan, Special Assistant Richard [&hellip

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