NASHVILLE – This year, approximately 115 members of the Board of Directors, TEAM Administrative Committee, Chapter Officers and various committees from across the state were in attendance at Leadership University in Nashville. In addition, several chapters brought members to the Leadership training who were interested in serving in leadership capacities at the chapter level. This allowed those members to learn what is required of the positions.
The Higher Education, Retiree, Membership and Contract Study/Privatization committees (all considered feeder committees) conducted their annual committee business during the afternoon session. The Legislative Committee then met at the conclusion of these feeder committee meetings so as to include any input from those committees that might require legislative or administrative action.
Also, the TEAM Administrative Committee held their Fall meeting. They discussed legislative endorsements, considered additional endorsement recommendations, and reviewed the voter registration project and upcoming elections for November.
During the TSEA Board meeting, Board members addressed a variety of issues including member attendance at Association meetings, the sale of TSEA’s Metro Center property, and the formation of a new chapter for West TN higher education members. Board members also approved an increase in Association mileage reimbursement to 42 cents per mile to accommodate members traveling to and from Association events.
Friday’s events concluded with a “Political Involvement” Presentation by TSEA Government Affairs Director Sarah Adair, where she spoke with Chapter Presidents and TEAM Local Coordinators about their roles and their involvement as it relates to the political process. Her presentation was followed by the chapter officer Q & A training session.
The Saturday session concluded the Board of Directors meeting where the 2013 Legislative and Administrative Action Agendas were adopted, followed by a panel discussion titled, “What Does Leadership in TSEA Require?” Panel members were President Phil Morson, TEAM Chair James Braswell, and members Lillie Mae Thomas, Brigitte Ownsby, Charles Austin, and Cheryl McCormick.
The final workshop was discussion of the new DOHR Rules and Project TEAMWork – TSEA’s TEAM Act Monitoring Project – led by Executive Director Bob O’Connell and Communications Coordinator Amanda Clelland.
TSEA is proud to have so many involved and eager leaders. As we look to the future, we are confident that maintaining strong leadership will help us remain a powerful and relevant voice for our members and all state employees in Tennessee.