The weekend of September 12-14th, Chapter Officers and emerging leaders from across the state gathered in Brentwood, TN for TSEA’s 2013 Leadership University.
In the weekend’s breakout panels, our chapter leaders were immersed in a theme that focused on activism and engagement. In addition to the annual training offered to Presidents and Treasurers to smooth out the logistics of running a chapter, all chapter leaders participated in discussions around growing membership and increasing member participation through chapter-based activities. One particular idea presented was encouraging member participation while strengthening bonds between TSEA members and their local delegations through Regional Legislative events.
On Friday morning, attendees were treated to a presentation and question & answer panel by the Commissioner of Human Resources, Rebecca Hunter, and the new Commissioner of Finance & Administration, Larry Martin. The two discussed what the TEAM Act looks like a year later and what changes are taking place to enact further improvement to the process, as well as the newly implemented salary study.
Attendees also participated in a packed schedule of meetings for the Board of Directors, TEAM Administrative Committee, and member feeder committees such as membership, contract study and privatization, retiree, and higher education to help draft TSEA’s 2014 Legislative Agenda through member input. TSEA 2013’s Leadership University was a true testament to the strength of our membership as they discussed and worked to establish ideas that will improve the workplace for their fellow state employees.