(Updated: Monday, March 16, 2020)
Power and phones are now restored to the TSEA office, but we continue to be without the internet due to damage sustained during the March 3 tornado in Downtown Nashville. We hope to have the internet back soon.
Staff is available via email, but there might be a delay in our response due to our internet being out.
Thank you for your patience and for being a member of TSEA.
(original post)
The TSEA office sustained damage during the March 3 Tornado in Nashville and is closed until further notice. The power and phone lines are down in the area, and, judging by the damage, will likely be out for some time. We will keep you up to date as the situation improves.
In the meantime, our staff will continue to work from alternate worksites and is available to you by email. To contact us, please email the appropriate staff member directly. You can view our staff directory on the member side of the website here: http://tseaonline.org/member-login/member-log-in/contact-us-2/
(if you do not have the member password, please email [email protected])
You can also message us through our facebook page at http://facebook.com/tseaonline
Thank you for your patience while we work through this situation, and thank you for being a member of TSEA.