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Important State Insurance Updates

Important State Insurance Updates

TSEA July 9, 2015 Comments Off on Important State Insurance Updates

State Insurance Committee Updates The State Group Insurance Committee met yesterday to consider the contract for the Voluntary Dental Preferred Provider for the state Dental Insurance. Legislation supported by TSEA [&hellip

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July 15 // ParTNership Promise Deadline

July 15 // ParTNership Promise Deadline

TSEA July 2, 2015 Comments Off on July 15 // ParTNership Promise Deadline

Any employee participating in a health coaching program for the ParTNers For Health (PFH) PPO, as well as their spouse if being coached, has only 13 days left to complete [&hellip

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Important News for State Employees // UPDATED JULY 2, 2015

Important News for State Employees // UPDATED JULY 2, 2015

TSEA June 27, 2015 Comments Off on Important News for State Employees // UPDATED JULY 2, 2015

Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court ruled that all marriages are to be treated equally nationwide. This includes the ability for same-sex couples to be lawfully married in all 50 [&hellip

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Voluntary Buyout Program – what we know

Voluntary Buyout Program – what we know

TSEA June 1, 2015 Comments Off on Voluntary Buyout Program – what we know

As you may know, approximately 2000 Voluntary Buyout offers were sent to eligible employees on May 21. To those employees eligible for the Voluntary Buyout Program, employees who have applied, or [&hellip

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Statement by TSEA President Bryan Merritt on publishing detailed personal information about state employees

Statement by TSEA President Bryan Merritt on publishing detailed personal information about state employees

TSEA May 12, 2015 Comments Off on Statement by TSEA President Bryan Merritt on publishing detailed personal information about state employees

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 12, 2015 Contact: Chris Dauphin Phone: (615) 256-4533, 800-251-8732 [email protected] Statement by TSEA President Bryan Merritt on publishing detailed personal information about state employees A citizen [&hellip

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Longevity and Insurance Bill Updates – April 22, 2015

Longevity and Insurance Bill Updates – April 22, 2015

TSEA April 22, 2015 Comments Off on Longevity and Insurance Bill Updates – April 22, 2015

The Senate last week passed the Longevity Bill, and just after 3:00 PM today, passed the Health Insurance Bill after accepting all the recommended committee amendments. The House Monday passed [&hellip

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April 15, 2015 // Update on Longevity and Insurance Bills

April 15, 2015 // Update on Longevity and Insurance Bills

TSEA April 15, 2015 Comments Off on April 15, 2015 // Update on Longevity and Insurance Bills

This week, the Administration’s bills affecting Longevity and Health Insurance for future state employees were both passed out of the Senate and House Finance, Ways, & Means Committees and will [&hellip

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Lobby Day and Legislative Updates – April 9, 2015

Lobby Day and Legislative Updates – April 9, 2015

TSEA April 9, 2015 Comments Off on Lobby Day and Legislative Updates – April 9, 2015

Lobby Day 2015 Yesterday, TSEA held its annual Lobby Day on the Hill. State employees spent the day attending committees and meeting with elected officials to discuss legislation which impacts [&hellip

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Statement by TSEA President Bryan Merritt supporting Chairman Bill Sanderson

Statement by TSEA President Bryan Merritt supporting Chairman Bill Sanderson

TSEA April 9, 2015 Comments Off on Statement by TSEA President Bryan Merritt supporting Chairman Bill Sanderson

  For Immediate Release: Statement by TSEA President Bryan Merritt in support of Chairman Bill Sanderson’s actions regarding longevity While we continue the fight to defeat Governor Haslam’s proposal to [&hellip

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Administration Bills to be heard next week in House Committee

Administration Bills to be heard next week in House Committee

TSEA April 1, 2015 Comments Off on Administration Bills to be heard next week in House Committee

The House State Government subcommittee today passed an amended longevity bill on to the full committee. The bill will be heard by the full House State Government committee on April [&hellip

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