The Department of Environment and Conservation has postponed plans to outsource at Fall Creek Falls state park according to an amendment published today on the Department of General Services website.
“As of now, TDEC has delayed their plan to tear down our park and give it away to a corporation,” TSEA Executive Director Randy Stamps said. “We are thankful for the many Legislators including Sen. Janice Bowling, Sen. Lee Harris, and Rep. John Ray Clemmons who have stood with us in the forefront against this outsourcing effort, and the dozens of other legislators who have helped slow down this train. While there is still more work to do, we are hopeful that we are making good progress for state workers, the citizens of Van Buren County, and all Tennesseans.”
Few details are available at this time about the reasoning for this delay or how long TDEC will postpone their plans.
TDEC Communications Director Eric Ward today told the Times Free Press that “the RFP has been postponed to incorporate amended process language which will be made available soon.”
This is a developing story. Please check the TSEA website and facebook page for updates.