NASHVILLE – During a presentation Tuesday before the Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee, the Tennessee State Employees Association called for an economic impact statement for outsourcing plans at Tennessee’s state parks, higher education facilities and other state buildings.
“We believe the sheer scope of these outsourcing proposals demand we investigate the plan’s economic impact on our employees, the local communities surrounding these facilities, and all Tennesseans,” TSEA Executive Director Randy Stamps said. “We just want to understand who bears the costs of privatization and who benefits directly or indirectly from this effort.”
T.C.A.§ 4-33-104 allows the commissioner or head of any agency, or any member of the general assembly to request an agency to prepare an economic impact statement to justify an agency’s proposed action.
During the hearing, TSEA also asked legislators to start putting Tennessee First. An idea modeled after the recent presidential election and President Trump’s message of America First.
“Clearly the idea of placing America’s interests first resonated with many Tennesseans during the recent presidential campaign,” Stamps said. “And we believe we can model that idea right here in Tennessee, beginning with outsourcing. The only companies that have shown interest or been invited to bid on the outsourcing of our state higher education facilities and our state parks are headquartered outside of Tennessee. When state employees run these jobs, any revenue or cost savings is reinvested in Tennessee. But, when we outsource to an out-of-state, for-profit company, any surplus revenue leaves Tennessee and becomes profit for an out-of-state company. Let’s keep those jobs operated by state employees and keep OUR revenue in OUR state.”
Founded in 1974, TSEA represents the rights and interests of all state employees in Tennessee and has a rich history of improving the lives of its state employee members. For more information, visit TSEA’s website at