Burden of Proof Update:
This week the Senate State and Local Government committee voted to send the Burden of Proof bill to a Summer Study committee, despite our efforts to move the bill forward. This was a disappointing outcome, but we will continue to push forward through the summer.
We thank the Senate bill sponsor Sen. Joey Hensley and Co-Sponsor Sen. Ken Yager for their dedication to this critical Burden of Proof legislation.
The Burden of Proof bill if passed would place the Burden of Proof in disciplinary proceedings on the state agency to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the employee violated state law or a rule or policy of the state agency.
TSEA plans to meet with SS&L Gov. Chairman Dickerson to set up parameters for the study groups which will look at the Longevity for All and the Burden of Proof bills this summer. TSEA members can expect a communication from us in the coming weeks with next steps on how you can assist in our efforts to move these bills forward.
Supplemental Budget:
The Senate State and Local Government committee this week voted to send our Longevity bill to a summer study committee for further consideration. While not the exact outcome we hoped for, this will allow us to attempt to secure funding for Longevity in next year’s budget. As a reminder, the House two weeks ago placed the bill behind the budget due to its fiscal note.
However, the Governor’s supplemental budget will be out Tuesday morning, and the House and Senate are still reviewing bills they can fund, including Longevity. That means there is still a possibility longevity is funded in the House, regardless of the Senate’s decision to place the bill in summer study We will keep you posted on our social media pages and here next week as developments occur.
Update on TSEA’s Legislative Agenda Bills
Longevity for All
SB0689 Sen. Jackson
HB0900 Rep. Sparks
Senate: 04/10/19 – Senate State & Local Government Committee deferred to summer study.
House: 04/03/19 – House Finance Subcommittee placed the bill behind the budget.
Burden of Proof
SB0621 Sen. Hensley, Co-Prime Sponsor: Sen. Yager
HB0644 Rep. T. Hill
Senate: 04/16/19 – Senate State & Local Government Committee deferred to summer study.
House: 04/11/19 – Taken off notice in House Calendar & Rules Committee.
For information on other bills in our legislative agenda, as well as other bills we are monitoring, please visit: