TSEA is constantly looking at every aspect of state government, especially where employees are concerned. We want state employees to be protected in the worksite and to protect your benefits from any proposed reductions. The 2013 legislative session will once again require difficult decisions as it relates to the state budget, and we must be prepared.
We must be sure that Governor Haslam, his Administration, and State Legislators know that TSEA members understand the seriousness of the state’s budget, and ensure they also realize that state employees continue to work hard and should not be forgotten.
Join your fellow TSEA members from across the state for Lobby Day 2013 on Tuesday, March 26 in Nashville, so you can make your voice heard!
Specific Lobby Day details are still being determined and will be provided via mail, email, and the TSEA website within the coming weeks.
Please make your request to receive approved leave on Tuesday, March 26 right away to attend TSEA’s Lobby Day on Capitol Hill!
For questions or to register for TSEA’s Lobby day, please contact LaTanya McAdoo or Gayle Robb by calling the TSEA office at 615-256-4533 OR Toll FREE at 800-251-8732or by email at: