Many meetings, fundraisers, and worksite visits have taken place over the past few months, and TSEA’s Political Action Committee, Tennessee Employees Action Movement (TEAM), has been there. Here are just a few of the events in recent months where state employees have been able to meet and speak with their elected officials.
Recent Fundraisers attended by TSEA, TEAM, and state legislators:
- July 12, Chairman Bryan Merritt and TSEA Government Affairs Director Sarah Adair attended the Republican Statesman’s Dinner.
- September 7, the Democratic Jackson Day Dinner was attended by TEAM members Pat Bowman and Jane Callahan, along with several TSEA Staff Members.
- September 14, members of the Knox/UT and Foothills Chapter attended a fundraiser for TEAM-endorsed Legislators Representatives Ryan Haynes and Art Swann. TEAM Chairman Bryan Merritt accompanied TEAM member Jane Callahan, Stephen Owenby, GiGi Ownsby, and Alex Smith. The event was also attended by TEAM-endorsed candidates Randy McNally, and Bill Dunn. Other legislators in attendance included Kent Calfee, William Lambert, Stacey Campfield, and former legislators Richard Montgomery and Mike Faulk.
- September 23, TEAM-endorsed Representative Darren Jernigan from Nashville held a fundraiser. Government Affairs Director Sarah Adair attended the event along with Davidson County TSEA member Debra Webb, TEAM Administrative Committee Member Jackie Coleman, and TSEA Board Member Martha Wetteman. Other legislators attending including Mike Turner, Joe Pitts, and former Senator Joe Haynes.
- September 24, Representative Joe Pitts had a fundraiser in Clarksville that was attended by several TSEA members.
- October 14, TEAM-endorsed legislator Representative Timothy Hill held a fundraiser in Johnson City. TEAM Chairman Bryan Merritt and TSEA members Cathy Muse, Ray Stout, and Susan Kyte attended
- the event, displaying their support for Representative Hill who has been great to work with during his first General Assembly.
Recent Chapter Meetings attended by state legislators:
- Representative Sheila Butt attended the Maury/Marshall Chapter meeting in May as the guest speaker. Representative Butt asked representatives from the Treasurer’s office to also attend to discuss the recent changes to the pension plan. It was a very informative meeting and a great opportunity to get to know Representative Butt.
- In July, David Crockett Chapter had Representative Barry Doss as a special invited guest to their chapter meeting. It was a terrific meeting with great discussions on various issues, including the restructuring within TDOT and the Salary Study.
- Also in July, Representative David Hawk made an unexpected appearance at the Greene County Chapter meeting to hear their concerns regarding the recent salary comparison study. Representative Kelly Keisling surprised the Cumberland County Chapter when he attended its most recent meeting as a TSEA member. Since then he has asked that he and I set up a dutch treat dinner for members one evening when I am driving thru Cookeville. Please look for an email on this dinner for some time in November.
- Several Legislators gathered for a regional meeting at Greene Valley Developmental Center in August to welcome State Treasurer David Lillard to be updated on the changes to the pension plan for new hires. Please read the extended article on page 10 of this Co-Worker.
- On September 17, Representative Roger Kane made a surprise appearance at the September Knox/UT Chapter Meeting. Representative Kane was kind enough to speak to the group and answer questions and provide as many answers as possible. Thank you very much Rep. Kane.
- Three Rivers Chapters had invited guests Representative Judd Matheny and Senator Janice Bowling at their most recent chapter meeting to discuss our legislative agenda. This was a very well attended meeting with very productive discussions on our agenda and other issues facing our members at their worksites.
- Hatchie River Chapter was excited to have Representative Craig Fitzhugh make an impromptu visit to its most recent meeting – as a new TSEA member – to discuss the groups concerns, including the recent restructuring within TDOT.
Legislators visiting Work Sites:
In the last year or so, we have been encouraging legislators to go visit worksites in their counties to personally see what each of you do every day. This list may not be complete but we hope to continue to post this regularly in the Co-Worker to show our appreciation to these elected officials.
- Representative Mike Sparks toured the Charles Bass Correctional Complex with TSEA last fall.
- Senator Mike Bell visited the Bradley County DHS office unexpectedly this spring.
- Representative Timothy Hill joined TSEA in visiting Roan Mountain State Park in October.
- We have also had many legislators tour Greene Valley Developmental Center over the last 2 years including House Finance Chair Charles Sargent, Finance Vice Chair Mike Harrrison, Representatives Timothy Hill, Matthew Hill, Micah Van Huss, and most recently, Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey in October. Many thanks to the staff and GVDC and the local legislators for facilitating these visits.
If you would like your legislator to visit your worksite, please let your Field Rep know so we can get it arranged. This is the best way to educate our elected officials on the hard work you do for the great state and citizens of Tennessee.