TSEA Board Nominations Deadline: March 3
The deadline for receiving nominating petitions for the TSEA Board of Directors is 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 2014 (at least 60 days prior to ballots being mailed). Positions up for election for a two-year term of office in 2014 are the President, Secretary, Treasurer and the even-numbered District board seats (Districts 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12).
The Board of TSEA is the policy making and governing body of the Association. All Board members are required to be active or retired members of TSEA. The membership of TSEA nominates and elects these important association leaders.
Nominating petitions and bio forms are available at the TSEA office. Be sure to send your nomination petition, questionnaire, and photograph by the deadline date. Please contact LaTanya McAdoo at the TSEA office should you have any questions at (800) 251-8732 or (615) 256-4533.
Constitution & Bylaws Deadline: March 14
Resolutions Deadline: March 28
Chapters or members who are interested in proposing changes to the TSEA Constitution and Bylaws must submit proposals to the TSEA office by Friday, March 14th at 4:30 PM. TSEA policy requires that these proposed changes be submitted in final form at least 90 days prior to the convening of the RA.
Additionally, any chapter or member that wants to submit proposed Resolutions must do so by the deadline of Friday, March 28 at 4:30 PM. TSEA policy requires that resolutions be submitted in final form no later than a March date set annually by the Board.
Members may mail, fax, or email proposals to the office and they must be typed and in final format and be received by the deadline date.
Additional details on these important TSEA events & dates will be provided in the next issue of the Co-Worker.