(Pictured above: Rep. Eddie Smith with TSEA’s Knox/UT Chapter President Betty Beal)
As Tennesseans head to the polls, many minds are on the national candidates. But, for state workers the state and local races are their top priority. With each and every legislative session, state workers’ benefits, pay, and even their jobs are on the line. This is why state employees must work to elect legislators who have a proven record of effective support in these areas.
Rep. Eddie Smith has that record. In fact, Rep. Smith’s record of support for state employees has been particularly strong and effective.
When state workers’ faced the threat of losing their longevity benefits, Rep. Smith was one of the first to stand up to protect this benefit for state workers. Working with other legislators, he helped ensure those who were already receiving longevity would continue receiving those benefits.
Smith also supported giving pay raises to Tennessee’s hard working state employees. Rep. Smith worked alongside other lawmakers to make sure these raises and market adjustments were fully funded in the state budget.
Rep. Eddie Smith also opposes privatization efforts that could put state employees out of work. He supported language that would allow Higher Education facilities to opt out of the Haslam Administration’s Facilities Management Outsourcing efforts. As we continue to fight against efforts to privatize state jobs, having Rep. Smith on our side will help make sure state employees continue to have a voice that is heard.
For these reasons, Rep. Eddie Smith has the support of state employees in District 13.