Monday, March 25
(Member arrival and hotel check in)
Holiday Inn Express, 920 Broadway, Nashville, TN
9:00 am TEAM Administrative Committee Meeting
Music District Room -1st floor
11:00 am Awards/RA planning Committee Meeting
1:00 pm TSEA Board of Directors Meeting
Music District Room -1st floor
5:30 pm Meet & Greet Reception for All Attendees Music District Room – During this time, a buffet-style dinner will be served, Lobby Day materials distributed and instructions given by Government Affairs Director Sarah Adair, and there may be a special guest speaker.
Tuesday, March 26
6:30 am Breakfast at the Holiday Inn for overnight guests
7:15 am Transportation begins to State Capitol
8:00 am All members to attend the following Legislative Committee Meetings:
Senate Finance, Ways & Means Committee – LP 12
Pension Bill (SB1005 McNally/HB948 McManus)
House State Government Committee – HHR 29
Union Bill (HB913 Casada/SB725 Campfield)
Chapter appointments with Legislators based on Schedules
*Lunch is on your own as time permits during the day*