Important Carrier Network Updates

TSEA September 28, 2023 Comments Off on Important Carrier Network Updates
Important Carrier Network Updates

UPDATED (10/2/2023) from the Partners for Heath website:

NEW Notice about Parkridge Health System and TriStar Health, System, Inc. (HCA) Facilities for those enrolled in the Cigna Open Access Plus Network

Cigna and HCA have reached an agreement. The HCA Parkridge Health System and TriStar Health, System, Inc. facilities and provider groups will remain in the Cigna OAP network. Members who received a termination announcement will receive another letter from Cigna confirming the new agreement.

For additional information, visit:

We encourage our members to regularly check the Partners for Health website for the most up-to-date information on this issue. If you have additional questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the TSEA office.

Thank you for being a member of TSEA.