Earlier today, TSEA addressed the Senate Corrections Subcommittee of Senate State & Local Government regarding the ongoing issues in TDOC and concerns for staff safety.
Subcommittee Chair Senator Ed Jackson and full committee Chairman Ken Yager, Thelma Harper, and Senator Jeff Yarbro (guest) listened to 3 hours of testimony. Presenters included TSEA, 2 current TDOC employees, 2 former TDOC employees, and TDOC Commissioner Derrick Schofield.
TSEA’s presentation focused heavily on correctional officer safety (assault reclassifications and staff to inmate ratios) and employee pay.
To view TSEA’s Power Point presentation, CLICK HERE.
Below, you will find links to watch each presentation made today, as well as the questions asked by the committee members.
As a reminder, TSEA continues to closely monitor issues within TDOC. As a part of that effort, we recently launched a secure form for you to report TDOC issues and trends to us, which we can then bring to the department’s attention. If you have a TDOC issue or trend to report, CLICK HERE.
Click the links below to view today’s full Senate hearing or any of the individual presentations.
Captain Donald Henson, Chief of Security, Northeast Correctional Complex
Al Seward, Northwest Correctional Complex
Ann McGuire, Retired, Northwest Correctional Complex
Tyler Nelson, Correctional Officer, Deberry Special Needs
Jerry Lester, former Warden, West Tennessee Correctional Complex
Randy Stamps, Tennessee State Employees Association
Commissioner Derick Schofield, Tennessee Department of Correction
To view TSEA’s presentation from today, click the slide below: