Why should you support our TEAM PAC-endorsed candidates?

TSEA October 21, 2024 Comments Off on Why should you support our TEAM PAC-endorsed candidates?
Why should you support our TEAM PAC-endorsed candidates?

I want to take a moment to remind you of the importance of supporting our TEAM PAC-endorsed candidates. We all have our views on national politics, and those opinions matter. But when it comes to state employees, higher education employees, and retired state employees, it’s the decisions made right here in Nashville that have the greatest impact on your day-to-day life because they directly influence your pay, benefits, working conditions, and retirement.

The issues we face as state employees, higher education employees, and retirees are not partisan. TSEA and TEAM PAC have worked hard to build strong relationships with good friends on both sides of the political aisle in Nashville. Our focus has always been on supporting those who support you.

There may be times when our endorsed candidate doesn’t align with your party affiliation, and that’s okay. Our endorsements are based on who will stand up for active and retired employees – whether that’s through sponsoring key legislation or chairing crucial committees. You can trust that if TEAM PAC backs a candidate, it’s because, with local chapter involvement, the committee has done the work to ensure that candidate will support you, your job, and your future.

Thank you for your commitment to TSEA and your service to Tennessee. And most importantly, thank you for making your voice heard by voting for the candidates who recognize and respect the value of your work. Voting is the most direct way you can impact your pay, your benefits, and your future as a state employee, higher education employee, or retiree. Let’s make sure we vote for those who support us.


LaTanya McAdoo
TSEA Executive Director

CLICK HERE to view the full list of TEAM PAC-endorsed candidates.

CLICK HERE to view our TEAM PAC 2024 Voter Guide for helpful info and links.