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Legislative Update – February 3, 2014

Legislative Update – February 3, 2014

TSEA February 4, 2014 Comments Off on Legislative Update – February 3, 2014

TSEA has a number of bills before the legislature this year, and two very important bills regarding the reductions in force (RIF) process will be heard this week in committee. [&hellip

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Legislative Update – January 28, 2014

Legislative Update – January 28, 2014

TSEA February 4, 2014 Comments Off on Legislative Update – January 28, 2014

TSEA Meets with Governor Haslam On Friday, TSEA President Phil Morson, Executive Director Robert O’Connell, and Government Affairs Director Sarah Adair attended our annual meeting with Governor Haslam to discuss [&hellip

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General Services Parking Information for Downtown Nashville State Employees

General Services Parking Information for Downtown Nashville State Employees

TSEA February 4, 2014 Comments Off on General Services Parking Information for Downtown Nashville State Employees

TN State Parking Lots 6, 7, and 9A were closed earlier the last week of January due to the development of the new Sounds Baseball Ballpark, which has moved state [&hellip

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TSEA Executive Director Robert O’Connell to retire in May

TSEA Executive Director Robert O’Connell to retire in May

TSEA January 10, 2014 Comments Off on TSEA Executive Director Robert O’Connell to retire in May

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 10th, 2014 Contact: Chris Dauphin Phone: (615) 585-8490, 800-251-8732 [email protected] TSEA Executive Director Robert O’Connell to retire in May Nashville, TN., January 10th, 2014 – After [&hellip

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TSEA Scholarship materials are now available

TSEA Scholarship materials are now available

TSEA January 7, 2014 Comments Off on TSEA Scholarship materials are now available

Each year, TSEA awards twenty-one scholarships to dependent children of active or retired TSEA members or to TSEA members themselves. Scholarship application materials for 2014 are now available by request [&hellip

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Important First Quarter TSEA Dates & Deadlines

Important First Quarter TSEA Dates & Deadlines

TSEA November 19, 2013 Comments Off on Important First Quarter TSEA Dates & Deadlines

TSEA Board Nominations Deadline: March 3 The deadline for receiving nominating petitions for the TSEA Board of Directors is 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 2014 (at least 60 days [&hellip

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TEAM Update, Fall 2013

TEAM Update, Fall 2013

TSEA November 19, 2013 Comments Off on TEAM Update, Fall 2013

Many meetings, fundraisers, and worksite visits have taken place over the past few months, and TSEA’s Political Action Committee, Tennessee Employees Action Movement (TEAM), has been there. Here are just [&hellip

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ETSU President confirms outsourcing rumors false

ETSU President confirms outsourcing rumors false

TSEA November 12, 2013 Comments Off on ETSU President confirms outsourcing rumors false

In recent weeks, rumors began to surface that custodial services at East Tennessee State University would be contracted out as a means of saving money. As rumors continued, outsourcing talk [&hellip

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TSEA Leaders meet in Nashville

TSEA Leaders meet in Nashville

TSEA November 12, 2013 Comments Off on TSEA Leaders meet in Nashville

The weekend of September 12-14th, Chapter Officers and emerging leaders from across the state gathered in Brentwood, TN for TSEA’s 2013 Leadership University. In the weekend’s breakout panels, our chapter [&hellip

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Fiscal Review Committee hears TSEA members

Fiscal Review Committee hears TSEA members

TSEA November 12, 2013 Comments Off on Fiscal Review Committee hears TSEA members

State employees and their dependents have now had a little over two years under the ParTNership PPO as their health insurance plan. During this time, TSEA members have voiced concerns [&hellip

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