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Legislative Update Week Ending 3-18-2022

Legislative Update Week Ending 3-18-2022

TSEA March 18, 2022 Comments Off on Legislative Update Week Ending 3-18-2022

Legislative session continues along with only another week of department budget hearings. TSEA has been carefully watching to make sure the items important to state employees, higher ed, and retirees [&hellip

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The TSEA Scholarship Award is now accepting applications

The TSEA Scholarship Award is now accepting applications

TSEA March 15, 2022 Comments Off on The TSEA Scholarship Award is now accepting applications

One of TSEA’s great membership benefits is the awarding of 21 – $750 scholarship awards to deserving high school seniors, college freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who are dependent children of [&hellip

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Legislative Update Week Ending 3-11-2022

Legislative Update Week Ending 3-11-2022

TSEA March 11, 2022 Comments Off on Legislative Update Week Ending 3-11-2022

Things are in high gear at the legislature. See below for updated bill statuses. A few notes on this week: DCS Budget amendmentThe Senate Health and Welfare Committee Wednesday amended [&hellip

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Legislative Update Week Ending 3-4-2022

Legislative Update Week Ending 3-4-2022

TSEA March 4, 2022 Comments Off on Legislative Update Week Ending 3-4-2022

Activity is moving fast in this year’s Legislative session as sub committee’s in the House of Representatives begin to close in the coming week. The Burden Of Proof bill, HB2172/SB2422 [&hellip

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Burden of Proof passes House and Senate

Burden of Proof passes House and Senate

TSEA February 28, 2022 Comments Off on Burden of Proof passes House and Senate

The Burden Of Proof bill, HB2172/SB2422 passed both the TN House and Senate unanimously on Monday, February 28, 2022. This bill, which we’ve worked to advance for several years, is one of [&hellip

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Legislative Update Week Ending 2-18-2022

Legislative Update Week Ending 2-18-2022

TSEA February 21, 2022 Comments Off on Legislative Update Week Ending 2-18-2022

Tuesday our TEAM PAC leadership during their Day on the Hill had very productive meetings with all four caucus chairman in the House and Senate. Senate Chairman Ken Yager (Kingston) [&hellip

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Legislative Update Week Ending 2-11-2022

Legislative Update Week Ending 2-11-2022

TSEA February 11, 2022 Comments Off on Legislative Update Week Ending 2-11-2022

TSEA had a productive week on the hill. We ended the week Thursday evening with the Shelby County and Memphis Higher Education Chapter Legislative Dinner. We are very grateful to [&hellip

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Legislative Update Week Ending 2-4-2022

Legislative Update Week Ending 2-4-2022

TSEA February 4, 2022 Comments Off on Legislative Update Week Ending 2-4-2022

Gov. Bill Lee this week presented his 4th State of the State address. While he didn’t outright mention state employees in his speech, he also released his FY2022/2023 Budget Proposal, which proposes [&hellip

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Legislative Update Week Ending 1-28-2022

Legislative Update Week Ending 1-28-2022

TSEA January 28, 2022 Comments Off on Legislative Update Week Ending 1-28-2022

As the pace picks up in the halls of the Cordell Hull building, TSEA continues to hold productive meetings with your legislators as we work to secure sponsors for legislation [&hellip

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Legislative Update Week Ending 1-21-2022

Legislative Update Week Ending 1-21-2022

TSEA January 21, 2022 Comments Off on Legislative Update Week Ending 1-21-2022

The 112th Tennessee General Assembly reconvened on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. Livestreams and videos of legislative meetings and activities are accessible on the legislative calendar page at this link: [&hellip

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