(UPDATE: An early version of this article stated there would not be a deduction in June 2021; however, while the premium holiday is for June 2021, the deduction will not appear on your May paycheck)
The State Group Insurance Committee today approved an insurance premium holiday for June 2021 for active state and higher education employees. This means there will be no deduction for the health insurance premium in May 2021.
What this means for State Employees:
Active state and higher education employees in the State Group Insurance Plan will not have a health insurance premium deduction in their May 2021 paycheck. The premium holiday is for health insurance premiums only.
TSEA Executive Director Randy Stamps, during the December 2020 State Group Insurance Committee meeting, seconded Senator Bo Watson’s motion to approve the premium holiday.
We appreciate Senate Finance Committee Chairman Bo Watson for making the motion. We also appreciate House Finance Chairman Susan Lynn and state employee elected representative Michelle Consiglio Young for voting to approve the holiday.
An insurance premium holiday in June means that active state and higher education employees will not have a health insurance premium deduction in their May 2021 paycheck, the last paycheck in May. This holiday is only for health insurance premiums and applies only to active state and higher education employees who pay into the state plan.
The last health insurance premium holiday was May 2020.