DOHR Announces 2024 Pay for Performance Awards

TSEA August 30, 2024 Comments Off on DOHR Announces 2024 Pay for Performance Awards
DOHR Announces 2024 Pay for Performance Awards

The Tennessee Department of Human Resources has announced the pay for performance (P4P) increases for eligible state employees.

According to a communication from DOHR, “Effective September 1, 2024, eligible employees with a Meets Expectations, Exceeds Expectations, and Exceptional 2023-2024 performance rating will receive a salary increase. Eligible employees with an Exceeds Expectations and Exceptional 2023-2024 performance rating will receive a one-time cash bonus.”

2023-2024 Pay for Performance Salary Increase and Bonus Structure

Rating Base % Increase Bonus % Amount
Meets Expectations 3.5%
Exceeds Expectations 5% 2.5%
Exceptional 7% 4.5%

Salary adjustments will take effect on September 1, 2024, with one-time cash bonuses paid on September 30, 2024. Eligible employees will see the increase on their September 30 paycheck. DOHR also noted that employees at the top of the salary range will receive P4P as a one-time payment.

Resources from DOHR:

View the new Pay for Performance Program policy.

View FAQs

More performance management resources are available on

Pay for Performance (P4P) Eligibility Inquiries:  [email protected]

Performance Management Inquiries:  [email protected]