Last week, WJHL in Johnson City broke the news that Lt.Governor Ron Ramsey’s chief of staff is the highest paid state employee at his particular position in the entire country!
TSEA congratulates Lance Frizzell for his accomplishment, and thanks Lt. Governor Ramsey for his willingness to reward excellence and defending the value of a great employee.
Everyday, Tennessee’s state employees are asked to “do more with less.” As a result, our state workforce is operating more efficiently today than at any time in recent history.
Tennessee has some of the most dedicated and hardest working state employees in America, and we believe all of Tennessee’s state employees should be the highest paid in the country in their particular positions.
Please click the link below to sign a petition to Lt. Governor Ramsey urging him to work toward rewarding all of Tennessee’s state employees for their dedication and commitment to providing quality services to the citizens of Tennessee.
When you are finished signing the petition, please help our efforts by clicking one of the “Share This” buttons below to share this story on social media or via email with your fellow state employees.