Election Day is Here!

TSEA November 4, 2014 Comments Off on Election Day is Here!
Election Day is Here!

ELECTION DAY is here in Tennessee!

All state employees need to get out and vote today!

At few other times can you have as much impact on your future as you can on election day. So, if you haven’t already, be sure to get out and vote today.

If you don’t know where to vote, contact your local election commission office through this link: http://tnsos.org/elections/election_commissions.php

Voter Identification Requirements

The information below is copied directly from the secretary of state’s website.

If you have any questions or concerns about voting or the electoral process, call the state Division of Elections’ toll-free hotline number @ 1-877-850-4959.

All voters must present an ID containing the voter’s name and photograph when voting at the polls.

What IDs are acceptable?
Any of the following IDs may be used, even if expired:
• Tennessee driver license with your photo
• United States Passport
• Photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security
• Photo ID issued by the federal or Tennessee state government
• United States Military photo ID
• Tennessee handgun carry permit with your photo

What IDs are not acceptable?
• College student IDs and photo IDs not issued by the federal or Tennessee state government are NOT acceptable. This includes county or city issued photo IDs, such as library cards, and photo IDs issued by other states.

Who is exempt?
• Voters who vote absentee by mail (view requirements here)
• Voters who are residents of a licensed nursing home or assisted living center and who vote at the facility
• Voters who are hospitalized
• Voters with a religious objection to being photographed
• Voters who are indigent and unable to obtain a photo ID without paying a fee

What if I registered by mail and am voting in my first election?
Federal law requires first time voters who register by mail to present one of the following:
A current photo identification with voter’s name and photo OR
If the photo identification is expired, the voter must also present one of the following: a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document that shows the voter’s name and address.

Your Right to Vote

Every employee’s right to vote is protected by state statute: TCA 2-1-106.

Here is what the statute says:

2-1-106. Absenteeism for voting.

(a) Any person entitled to vote in an election held in this state may be absent from any service or employment on the day of the election for a reasonable period of time, not to exceed three (3) hours, necessary to vote during the time the polls are open in the county where the person is a resident.

(b) A voter who is absent from work to vote in compliance with this section may not be subjected to any penalty or reduction in pay for such absence.

(c) If the tour of duty of an employee begins three (3) or more hours after the opening of the polls or ends three (3) or more hours before the closing of the polls of the county where the employee is a resident, the employee may not take time off under this section.

(d) The employer may specify the hours during which the employee may be absent. Application for such absence shall be made to the employer before twelve o’clock (12:00) noon of the day before the election.

For questions regarding polling locations and hours, voters should contact their local election commission offices. A list of election commission offices can be found at: http://tnsos.org/elections/election_commissions.php

Don’t know who to vote for?

It is a harsh reality that if you are voting for a candidate that doesn’t care about state employees, then you are voting against your best interests, and possibly your job. To view a list of TSEA-TEAM’s endorsed candidates, CLICK HERE