The Tennessee Department of Human Resources today announced Pay for Performance (P4P) and Expanded Pay Benefits rewards to eligible state employees effective July 1, 2022.
According to a communication from DOHR, “employees eligible for the performance-based increase, who received a rating of Meets Expectations, Exceeds Expectations, or Exceptional performance for the performance cycle that ended on September 30, 2021, will receive a base salary increase in accordance with their rating. If the eligible employee did not have a rating for the performance cycle that ended on September 30, 2021, the employee will receive an increase based on the “Meets Expectations” rating.”
Percentages associated with the respective ratings are as follows:
This increase is calculated using the current base salary, not including overtime or longevity pay.
In addition, after many conversations and information sharing with DOHR about some of the challenges faced by our long-time state employees who are compensated at the top of the salary range, we are pleased to see an exception for this year. Employees who meet the eligibility requirements for performance-based pay or the expanded pay benefit and are currently compensated at their position’s maximum salary range will also receive an increase to their base salary.
“TSEA is pleased to see the pay for performance raises moved up to July instead of waiting until January,” TSEA Interim Executive Director LaTanya McAdoo said. “We are grateful to the General Assembly for including this funding for state employees in their budget and to the Lee administration for getting this funding to the employees quickly. We also appreciate DOHR listening to concerns of TSEA and state employees and agreeing it was important to make the raises available to those at the top of their range as well as those hired on or before September 30, 2021.”
All eligible employees will see the increase on their last paycheck of July 2022.
Questions regarding Pay for Performance may be directed to your agency’s Human Resources office or submitted to DOHR using the contact information below:
Pay for Performance (P4P) inquiries: [email protected]
Performance Management Program inquiries: [email protected].
Additional performance management resources and tools can be found online at
And, as always, members can contact TSEA with any questions or concerns they may have at 615-256-4533 or by email at [email protected]
It is important to note that Pay for Performance funding is not the only funding state employees will receive this year. A new, comprehensive market study was recently completed, and the legislature included $120M in the state budget to fund adjustments to salary ranges and amounts based on the market study. P4P was only a percentage of total funding for state employee salary adjustments.
TSEA has worked diligently over the last several years to help create an environment where our dedicated, hard-working state employees are regularly recognized and rewarded. We are pleased to see those efforts are paying off.